Medical Information
24 Hour Attendance Telephone Number 720-542-4286
Sick Children
Sick children should be kept at home until able to function normally in the classroom. A telephone call to the attendance recorder is expected so that you child’s teachers know the reason for the absence 720-542-4286. If your child goes home for lunch and does not return to school, for afternoon classes, kindly notify the school office. When a child becomes sick at school, you will be contacted. UPDATED PHONE NUMBERS are very important in case of emergency. It is the responsibility of the parent to come to the school or send someone to take the child home. Kindly keep the EMERGENCY NUMBERS that are on file in the school office CURRENT AND ACCURATE. This information is necessary in case the parent cannot be reached.
Colorado State Law requires that all students attending public school MUST comply with the required immunization guidelines or MAKE APPLICATION FOR MEDICAL/RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS or sign a SIXTY-DAY WAIVER during which time required immunizations are updated and/or received. Those students who do not meet the immunization requirements, WILL BE EXCLUDED from school until the requirements are met.
Grades Kindergarten through 5th grade are required to have the following immunizations:
4 Polio
3 Hepatitis B
2 MMR (Mumps, Measles and Rubella) 2 Varicella (Chickenpox
6th graders will be required to have an additional immunization:
Tetanus-Diphtheria (Td.DT)
According to Colorado State Law and District 50 policy, only currently prescribed medication may be given at school. Whenever possible, medicine should be taken at home. Prescribed medication that must me taken during the school day requires a WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE PHYSICIAN and a WRITTEN REQUEST FROM THE PARENT OR GUARDIAN. The medicine must me in the original prescription container and properly labeled with the date, the name of the child, name of the medicine, directions for taking the medicine, and the name and telephone number of the physician prescribing the medication. All medications must be kept secured in the office. Office personnel WILL NOT administer any medication to students including aspirin and cough drops unless; a written statement accompanies it from the doctor. Please do not allow students to bring cough drops or any medication to school, as it could be a problem if another student took it and had a reaction.