School Guidelines
The following rules apply to all students attending Sherrelwood Elementary School.
- There is to be no running inside the school.
- You are to arrive at school NO MORE than ten minutes before school starts, and leave the school grounds as soon as possible after dismissal.
- You are responsibility for getting all school assignments in on time. If you are absent, all make-up work is your responsibility.
- You are responsible for keeping your class area as clean as possible at all times, and for cleaning up one work area before going to the next work area.
- You are not to leave your assigned areas without your teacher’s permission and a pass.
- All class changes are to be made in a quiet and orderly manner. Students move without conversation one behind the other.
- You must receive permission from your teacher before moving any school material or equipment out of an assigned area.
- You are not to chew gum or eat candy during school time. You are not to take food to the playground after lunch.
- Leave all toys, electronic games, radios, dangerous objects, etc. at home unless your teacher asks you to bring them to school
- Use all playground equipment safely.
- Proper behavior at programs includes: NO WHISTLING OR SHOUTING.
Dress Code
Sherrelwood Students should come to school dressed to do their best. Students, parents and teachers all feel better when they are properly dressed and well groomed. Students, like all people, tend to act like they dress. Try to keep yourself clean and neat at all times and dress in clothes appropriate for the classroom and the weather. Students are to dress in such a way that they are comfortable and able to do their schoolwork without distracting others. If, in the judgment of the teacher or the principal, your dress is distracting to others, your parents will be contacted and you will be asked to change in to more suitable clothing. Fish net shirts, ½ shirts, muscle shirts, shirts above the waist, short shorts and halter tops/spaghetti straps are not to be worn to school. T-shirts with objectionable lettering are not permitted, and hats are not to be worn inside the school building. No temporary hair coloring or any other alterations will be allowed that disrupt the learning environment.
Sherrelwood Library Books
If you lose a library book/schoolbook that is checked out to you, it is your responsibility to pay for it before you are issued another. If you damage a library book/schoolbook, you will be charged for the damages. If a lost book is found and returned in good condition, your money will be refunded. Often lost books are found at home in the bottom of drawers or under beds, so look carefully for them.
Attendance and Tardy Policies
Our school day for students Pre-K through 5th grade begins at 8:05 a.m., school ends at 3:10 p.m. Students walking to school should NOT plan to arrive at school until ten (10) minutes before school begins.
Call The School
Parents are expected to call the school, (720) 542-4286, anytime their child is going to be absent from school. This number is the attendance line and will record your message 24 hours a day. Please call the school by 9:00 a.m. the day your child is absent. If your child goes home at noon and does not return to school that afternoon, parents must call to report the absence. Absence From School Colorado School Law approves absence only for illness. You are not counted absent or tardy for a doctor or dentist appointment if you are gone from school only during the time of your appointment and return to school immediately afterward. Prompt and consistent attendance at school is an assurance that your educational endeavors will not be interrupted allowing maximum learning to take place.
Attendance Procedures
- Every morning and afternoon the homeroom teacher will mark each student present, tardy, or absent.
- Board Policy JG defines tardiness as a student not in the classroom when the bell rings. Persistent tardiness is a suspendable offense. A student who is tardy reports to the office. Gets the tardy notation placed on the attendance sheet, and then brings a tardy admittance back to the homeroom teacher.
- A student is not counted absent or tardy if that student is keeping a doctor or dentist appointment and returns to school immediately after the appointment. Advance notice to the classroom teacher is appreciated.
- Notes are required from the parent (or phone call) for any absence or tardiness. This communication should state the reason for the absence or tardiness.
- If a child is absent for three or more days, the parent may call the school office and arrange for make-up work to be picked up.
- To allow for unusual situations that arise each student is allowed three tardies each grading period. After a student is tardy more than three times in a nine-week period a letter will be mailed home informing the parent each time a student is tardy.
- Excessive absenteeism is declared when a student nears his/her six-day limit (175 days of required attendance—not counting days of illness).
- Excessive tardiness is declared when a student has a pattern of tardiness. This necessitates a parent/teacher contact to discuss the situation and cooperatively seek remedies.
- When change has not occurred with the teacher and social worker contact, the teacher brings the matter to the attention of the principal This may result in a formal letter being sent to the parents stating the seriousness of the concern and the possibility of a referral being made to Adams County Social Services.