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Dear Westminster Public School Community,
Welcome to 2025 and the start of a new year!
Whether you are a WPS family or staff, I hope you had a relaxing and enjoyable winter break and are ready to dive into the important job of educating our children. It is the most exciting and rewarding work imaginable.
While our students will be in the classroom with their teachers, the WPS Administrative team and your Board of Education will work with parents, staff, and community members to help shape the future of our district. As you know, voters passed a bond in November to support us in investing in the Iver C. Ranum Campus and address other district needs. While we provided a detailed framework for our plans before the election, now comes the hard work of making these plans a reality. We are assembling an advisory task force and you will hear a lot about their work in the coming months.
We will also be focusing on critical budget issues that are not connected to long-term building projects in the district, but are instead tied directly to what happens this spring at the state capitol. Colorado is looking to cut between $700 million and a billion dollars from its budget and while lawmakers and Governor Jared Polis say they plan to “fully fund” education, we are crafting a fiscally conservative budget, just in case.
As always, we will do our best to ensure our resources go to support our students and teachers.
I will speak to these topics and more when I deliver my first State of the District report at the Board of Education meeting on Tuesday, January 28. If you are unable to watch it on live stream, we will provide a link so you can check it out at a later date.
Warm regards,

Dr. Jeni Gotto

Superintendent of Schools

Westminster Public Schools