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Senior - Westminster High School
Hugo is a standout athlete at Westy. He played soccer in the midfield “10” position. The boys' season was a good one with lots of wins, barely missing playoffs by one place. “We played strong and finished strong.”
Hugo grew up in Denver but moved to California at the age of 7.  At the start of his junior year, he moved back and enrolled in Westy where he got started in soccer for the Wolves.
He will graduate this year and is looking to get a scholarship to go to a trade school to become either an electrician or a diesel mechanic.
Good luck, Hugo!  Congrats on having a memorable senior year so far!
Favorite Athlete/Sport/Team: Messi and Barcelona FC
Who is your favorite artist/performer/band: Drake
What is your favorite movie or TV show: Fast and Furious 2
What music or podcast are you listening to now: All types of music (except country)
My favorite thing to do in my free time: Go on walks and runs; sit outside and enjoy nature. I exercise and go to the gym a lot.
Favorite Animal: Cheetah
Favorite Part of Being at Westy: Making memories with friends and creating new experiences. We are all going to graduate soon, so better make the most of it.
Superpower I wish I had: Teleportation What has WPS meant to you: It has enabled me to be a leader overall so that I can help others.
Best school memory: Joining the soccer team for the first time. I felt so welcome.
Favorite teacher/coach who has inspired you the most: Varsity Coach Mr. Martin. We got along really well. He would push me to keep doing better, and he showed me that he believed in me. That’s what I admire about him.