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Principal's Desk

Principal Davis Talking to Parents with a Microphone

Principal's Desk

Westminster Public Schools

Cindy Davis

Welcome to Sherrelwood Elementary. As the building principal it is with great honor and pride that I welcome you to our school full of our dedicated faculty, parents and students and to be a part of the Tiger tradition.  I look forward to getting to know each of you as we work together to guide your child towards life long learning and achievement.  Please accept this message as the first step towards establishing a strong and effective working relationship between your home and Sherrelwood.



We are very eager to begin year 16 implementation of Competency-Based Education (CBE) at Sherrelwood Elementary. We are excited that our students will be grouped by what they know and are able to do. They will be able to advance to the next level as soon as they are ready or receive more time and support if needed. Your child will be grouped and taught at their instructional/performance levels for all content areas.  

At Sherrelwood Elementary School, we know that this school year will be one of partnerships and achievement. Please join with us to make this experience a remarkable one.  All of us at Sherrelwood Elementary look forward to becoming a community of learners together.

With Tiger Pride,
Cindy Davis
Sherrelwood Principal